Home Read Classic Album Review: Folk Implosion | One Part Lullaby

Classic Album Review: Folk Implosion | One Part Lullaby

Despite all the bands on his resumé, Barlow's latest recalls another artist: Beck.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


“Two parts fear” is the other ingredient that goes with this album’s title, according to Folk Implosion songwriter, Sebadoh leader, Dinosaur Jr. bassist, lo-fi hero and basement-rock journeyman Lou Barlow.

But never mind what he says — the real recipe also seems to call for a large helping of another artist you might know: Beck. From the Devil’s Haircut riff of Free To Go to the European exotica of Serge (a tribute to Gainsbourg, not the fabric), from the cheeseball drum machines to the slacker vocals that drape themselves lazily all over the musical furniture, the shockingly well-produced One Part Lullaby is as spontaneous, freewheeling and charming as anything Hansen’s issued — thankfully without the tiresome goofball vibe and white-rap shtik. And the ’60s acid-folk of Merry-Go-Down easily ranks as Lou’s best tune since Natural One. It’s a slice of pure mellow gold.