John Dawson Knows Exactly Where You Belong

The singer-songwriter navigates some rocky romantic waters in his latest single.

John Dawson hangs in there on his romantic new single Where You Belong — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

The latest single from the Newmarket roots singer-songwriter’s recent album Outlier, Where You Belong speaks to the universality a relationship navigating rough waters — and the belief that if both sides row together, they’ll will soon be water under the bridge.

Dawson, who describes Where You Belong as a “scrappy little love song,” offers a lovely piece of music and lyrical prose by believing the proverbial glass is half full, not half empty. With gorgeous harmonies, sweet piano accents in the background and the solid rhythm duo of bassist Manny DeGrandis and drummer Anthony D’Angela, Where You Belong exemplifies the quality and depth Dawson brings to each song with an economical use of words that brings to mind lyrical craftsmen like Ron Sexsmith, Lyle Lovett and Nick Lowe:

“Tell me I’m wrong,
But if we just walk away,
We’ll be giving in to all they have said.

“You decide,
But I believe,
That by my side,
Is where you belong.”

Dawson says his new music emerged from a handful of touchstone events in his life including the death of a parent, getting married and the birth of a child. “Much of the music was coming just working through a lot of emotions myself,” he told the outlet. “Just sort of reporting what I’m seeing in my life through the music I create.”

He also has more appreciation for his craft now that he’s a bit older. “The joy to be able to know that my hands can do these things… it changes as you get a bit older. You don’t go out to be a rock star. You do it because of the genuine love of the art form.”

Dawson has worked in various roles of the music industry, from performing to education. He cites Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Paul Simon and the late George Harrison as some of his music and lyrical influences.

Check out Where You Belong above, listen to the rest of Outlier below, and find John Dawson on his website and Twitter.