Home Read Classic Album Review: Happy Mondays | Greatest Hits

Classic Album Review: Happy Mondays | Greatest Hits

It would appear that Shaun Ryder has a little too much time on his hands.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Now that Black Grape have split up, leader Shaun Ryder has apparently decided to revive his old dance-pop outfit Happy Mondays. Or maybe he just has too much free time.

Either one could explain this out-of-the-blue hits set from a band that haven’t existed for several years and never made a dent in North America when they did. In any case, as best-ofs go, it’s your typical collection of must-have classics (W.F.L, Step On, Kinky Afro), padded out with remixes, leftovers and the mandatory One New Track — a dance-floor revamping of Thin Lizzy’s The Boys Are Back In Town (get it?) that’s a cute-enough novelty, but nothing to base a reunion on.