Mr! Mouray Pity The Poor Bankers Of Yonge

The Toronto rockers remind you to be careful what you wish for on their new single.

Mr! Mouray dodge a mess on the ladder of success in their new single and video Bankers Of Yonge — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

The latest single from the Toronto pop-rock combo’s EP Lady Rock And Roll, Bankers Of Yonge’s title seems to pay a touch of tongue-in-cheeky homage to The Replacements’ generation-gap classic Bastards Of Young. But make no mistake: The shocking true-life story behind the harmony-stacked power-pop nugget is no joke — though somebody definitely should have had the last laugh.

“The song explores the age old story of ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’ — except in reverse,” the band say. “The song tells the story of (singer-guitarist Simon Bedford-James’) encounter with an old friend who became a Toronto banking executive on Yonge Street, and experienced the unexpected demands and personal costs, of living a high-octane, stressful life in finance. The character in the song wishes he could live a life of commitment-free solitude as a common worker bee in a menial job instead. Ironically, that was the very life that Simon was desperately trying to elevate himself out of. Trading places, indeed.”

Bankers Of Yonge is one of three blast-from-the-past masters on the John Critchley-produced Lady Rock And Roll EP, which celebrates Mr! Mouray’s sixth anniversary. The video for the T.Rex-fueled title track and first single has racked up nearly 3,000 views and found a home on multiple playlists, while the brooding, Cramps-inspired Then & Now displays the breadth of the quartet’s sound and influences. Lady Rock And Roll also marked the debut of new drummer Craig Adams, who replaced the late David Otanez in 2022, minutes before the release of the band’s second album What’s The Stouray… (Clearly, these guys love a good pun. And have decent record collections.)

Adams, Bedford-James, bass player Jaimie Vernon and lead guitarist Nelson Pereira were once members of 1980s Toronto new wave act Swedish Fish. Some four decades years later, they haven’t lost their knack for crafting a sharp pop-rock hook, anchoring it with a punchy groove and topping it with some sweet harmonies. Yonge Street’s loss is your gain. Which reminds me of one more essential fact: The Bankers of Yonge video was directed by another former member of Swedish Fish: Len van Bruggen IV. Who says there’s no loyalty in rock ’n’ roll?

And that’s not all! The wizened retro-rock wizards already have another four Critchley-helmed songs in the can, ready to roll out in the fall like so many smashingly rockin’ pumpkins. Until then, enjoy Mr! Mouray’s quirky pastiche of musical diversity by peeping the video for Bankers Of Yonge above, listening to Lady Rock And Roll below, and following them on Facebook.