Home Read Albums Of The Week: Bronson Arm | Bronson Arm

Albums Of The Week: Bronson Arm | Bronson Arm

The Michigan noise-punks take no shit but dish out plenty on their debut album.

Sometimes it’s better not to know.

For instance: Based on their sludgy noise-punk attack, no-bullshit look and generally threatening vibe, I presumed this Michigan duo took their vaguely unsettling name from some classic B-movie wherein Chuckles Bronson gets his wing hacked off shortly before going on a relentless, remorseless killing spree of vengeance. After a brief bit of Googleboxing, however, it seems like it actually comes from a style of chair. Well, that’s disappointing.

Thankfully, this debut album is anything but. As befits its (unintentional) namesake, it is a mean, menacing and malevolent motherfucker — all clanking guitars and walloping drums and combative vocals and swaggering songs that do whatever the fuck they want whenever they want. It takes no shit. It dishes out plenty. And you better stay down and take it. If you know what’s good for you, that is.


THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE:Bronson Arm are a two-piece noise-punk band hailing from Kalamazoo, Michigan. Featuring Blake Bickel on baritone guitar and vocals, and Garrett Yates on drums, the duo deliver a stripped-down and percussive dissonance that refuses to be ignored.

Exploring dark rhythmic tensions and erratic mood shifts in an anxiety laden landscape, Bronson Arm’s quickly-evolving body of work effortlessly meanders from slow-burning dirges to spasmodic jolting bangers. As the band briefly dip their toes into elements of no wave, noise-rock and punk, you might hear hints of artists like Metz, Sonic Youth, Fugazi and KARP.

Having played drums or bass in previous musical endeavours like Shotgun Moses and The Great Goddamn, Blake approaches his guitar like a percussive instrument — plucking and raking atonal drones upon Garrett’s explosive pummelling of the drums.

Following the release of their EP Tosser, Bronson Arm toured the midwest with Bedtime Magic, culminating with a perfrormance at Caterwaul 2022, featured on complications by both Forbidden Place and Learning Curve Records, shared the stage with Mr Phlyzzz, Kal Marks and Teen Mortgage.”