Thursday Mixtape | More Than 210 Songs To Get You Back Up To Speed (Side 3)

I have been taking it easy for the past few week or so. Now I’m back in the hamster wheel — and not a moment too soon, if this lineup of more than 210 singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes, golden oldies, unburied treasures and live performances is anything to go by. (I also tossed in a few of the more important / interesting releases from the past few days, just in case you missed ’em. You’re welcome.) Now, before Bandcamp Friday releases start pouring in, let’s do this thing: Your Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a ⭐️ . Light ’em up:



1⭐️ Monk | Nothing Matters

2⭐️ Sweet Gloom | American Honey

3Yellowcard | Childhood Eyes

4Arch Blade | Nightbreed

5Fixation | Flat Earth

6Damnation Plan | The New Horizon

7Symphony Of Sweden | Bad Thoughts

8Smokeheads | Side By Side

9The Cuza | Bones

1050fifty | Lost & Suspended

11The Second After | Tired

12Non Serviam | Death Ataraxia

13ShallowSky | Reap

14Thrown | Guilt

15Death Ray Vision | From the Rafters

16Geld | Success

17Contrasts | Release Me

18Drott | Det Set

19⭐️ Code Orange | Grooming My Replacement + The Game

20Boy God | NYC Streets

21Chains Over Razors | Broken Home

22Haunt The Woods | Fever Dream

23Following The Signs | This Day Is Mine

24Rezn / Vinnum Sabbathi | Hypersurreal

25Creak | Restless Dreams

26Ascendancy | Domitor Invictus

27Próchno | Zmierzch