Weekend Mixtape | 240 Songs That Are Too Much For Words (Side 10)

Overwhelmed. Buried. Swamped. Swarmed. Flooded. Inundated. Overloaded. Deluged. Engulfed. Snowed under. Weighed down. Besieged. Beset. Consumed. Overrun. Smothered. Crushed. In a word, that’s me. And it could be you — should you be foolish enough to try consuming all of these 240 new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes, live cuts, unearthed gems and entire concerts in one go. Best to open a cold bevvy, settle back and take your time. Your Tinnitist-approved cuts are flagged with 🍻. Don’t mind if I do:



231 | Mike Casey, Blori | Breathe In (Remix)

232 | Jeremy Wong | Only A Dream

233 | Hannes Bennich | Non-Religious


🍻 234 | Didier Guigue | Você é um Som

235 | Lueenas | Witches Brew

236 | Louis-Étienne Santais | Enjoy The Silence

237 | Endurance | Glisten

238 | Yukari Okamura | Circle

239 | Sara Berts | Moth Dance

240 | Purple Decades | Nova Resa