Home Read Classic EP Review: KaitO | Montigola Underground

Classic EP Review: KaitO | Montigola Underground

The U.K. indie-rockers' oddly titled release features some pretty attractive opposites.

This came out in 2002 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


I know next to nothing about KaitO except that they’re from the U.K. and their singer’s name is Nikki Colk. Luckily, listening to their curiously titled Montigola Underground EP tells you everything you need to know.

Like the fact that they seriously rock, in that lo-fi, indie garage-bash kinda way. And that they’re big Sonic Youth fans, outfitting their tracks with plenty of screeching noise and feedback. And that Colk’s girl-pop vocals and sugar-buzz melodies are the yin to the band’s art-punk yang, creating opposites that are very attractive indeed. So what more do you need to know, anyway?