Monday Mixtape | 55 Songs That Will Hit You Where You Live (Side 1)

Another quiet Monday. Not that I’m complaining. Nor should you. After all, you’ve got these 55 new singles, videos, cover tunes and remixes to entertain you — including plenty of gems you won’t find anywhere else. Today’s Tinnitist-approved tracks are tagged with a 🥊. Hit it:



1 | Brandt Brauer Frick | Step

2 | Cancel the Apocalypse | Where is Soledad?

3 | The Mountain Goats | This Year (Jordan Lake Sessions)

4 | Tall Yodas | Neck of Guilotine

5 | Elvis Costello | Here, There & Everywhere

6 | The Baudelaires | Parasol

7 | Johathan Personne | Rock & Roll Sur Ton Chemin

8 | Mush | Group of Death

9 | Grinch Simpson | California

10 | Party Dozen | Fruits Of Labour

11 | Spielbergs | Every Living Creature

12 | Yosa Peit | Anthy

13 | The Confusions | Fell Out Of Bed


🥊 14 | Törzs | Átfordul (Live at Bükk)

15 | Trapdoor Social | Prophit (ft. Fred Schneider)

16 | Baby Strange X Hayley Mary | Only Feel It When I’m With You

17 | Dres_ | Better Off Sober

18 | Cheekface | Pledge Drive

19 | George Collins | It’s Been A Long Time

20 | Emblems | Animals


🥊 21 | Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard | I Had It All

22 | Rusty Santos | All Things Phasin’

23 | Flowertown | Half Yesterday

24 | Lumenette | Wake Up

25 | Martina Petric, Percy Richter | One More Night

26 | Skott | Evergreen