Home Read Classic Album Review: Trik Turner | Trik Turner

Classic Album Review: Trik Turner | Trik Turner

The Arizona alt-metal hip-hoppers have a great name — but that's about it, sadly.

This came out in 2002 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Phoenix’s Trik Turner have a great name. That’s a point in their favour.

Too bad they’re just the latest in the seemingly endless line of alterna-metal bruisers. That’s a point against them. Then again, they aren’t the worst offenders by far — their sound is a little more melodic and hip-hoppy (like, say, Incubus) than rap-rock (like, say, Limp Bizkit) or nü-metal (like, say, Stained). OK, that’s another point for them. Then again, they still rely too heavily on cliches — the brooding lyrics, the bottom-string guitar riffs, the obligatory DJ, the song about dad. That’s another point against. Of course, the funky rap Black Sheep raids Cypress Hill, Bootsy Collins and Jungle Brothers — pretty damn cool for white boys from Arizona. Another point for them. I could go on, but why bother? If you’re keeping score at home, you’ve probably already decided whether Trik Turner might turn your crank. To me, they just seem kinda — pointless.