Weekend Mixtape | 158 Songs That Are Worth Celebrating (Side 7)

Happy Second Pandemic Anniversary! (Pandemmiversary? Pandenniversary? We really need a word for this.) Did you get me anything? Didn’t think so. I, on the other hand, got you this roundup of 158 new singles, videos, cover tunes, remixes and unearthed classics — including tons of gems that you can’t get anywhere else. You’re welcome. Today’s Tinnitist-approved cuts are flagged with a 🎉. Let’s get the party started:



🎉 120 | William Clark Green – Baker Hotel

121 | The Shires | A Bar Without You

122 | Megan Knight | Take It To The Grave

123 | Amy Correia | The Beggar

124 | Niall Mutter | Pass Me By

125 | 49 Winchester | Russell County Line

126 | Everette | Gonna Be A Problem

127 | Ken Yates | The Big One (ft. Kathleen Edwards)

128 | The Glory | Old Currents

129 | Little Quirks | The Rain

130 | Shand | Pearl

🎉 131 | Avi Kaplan | I Can’t Lie

132 | The Reklaws, Jake Owen | 11 Beers

🎉 133 | Chelsea Wolfe | Oui Oui Marie

🎉 134 | Maren Morris | Nervous


135 | Willie Nelson | Energy Follows Thought

🎉 136 | Louie Short | What Can I Do

137 | Lydia Luce | Yellow Dawn

138 | Parker McCollum | Carrying Your Love With Me

139 | Lee Rogers | Life and Lies