Home Read Classic Album Review: Raised Fist | Ignoring the Guidelines

Classic Album Review: Raised Fist | Ignoring the Guidelines

The hard-hitting Swedish quartet & their second album are both hard to categorize.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


A raised fist could mean several things. Is it a fight? Is there a revolution? Or is somebody just rocking out? Much like their name — and the title of their second album — hard-hitting Swedish quartet Raised Fist are tough to categorize.

Are they punk? Well, the rapid-fire, double-time delivery and stop-on-a-dime tempo shifts certainly hint at that. But they could just as easily go in the metal section, thanks to a healthy portion of the sort of chugging guitar riffs and midtempo pummelling that wouldn’t be out of place on a Metallica disc. As for the growling screeches and message-heavy lyrics of vocalist Alle Rajkovic, well, they could go either way.