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Indie Roundup (Beatles Ate My Day Edition) | Eight Songs For Your Thursday

I'm supplying the names and links. The rest is up to you and Google.

I had all sorts of big plans for the day. Then The BeatlesAbbey Road 50th Anniversary Edition box arrived at my front door, thanks to the fine folks at Universal Music Canada. So naturally, I’ve spent the past couple of hours listening to all the different Blu-Ray audio vesions, reading the giant hardcover book, and generally forgetting about all the other stuff I would normally do in the afternoon — like sifting through a ton of new videos and songs for the daily Indie Roundup. And given that there are about 10 other major releases coming out tomorrow — which means I’ll be up all night spewing out reviews like a crazy person — I’m cutting my losses and just dishing up a bare-bones list of names and links today. The rest is up to you and Google. See you on the other side:

1 | Reuben and the Dark | Faultline

2 | Jordan Klassen | Surprised / Not Surprised

3 | Other Americans | Hypnotic Iconographic Salt Mines (SparklingDoom Remix by Mensa Deathsquad)

4 | JBXDR | Pocketcall

5 | GospelbeacH | Let It Burn

6 | Wesley | Long Way Home

7 | Coilguns | Watchwinders

8 | Hunting | Whatever You Need