Back Stories | My 2015 Interview With Buddy Guy

I was lucky enough to talk to bluesman Buddy Guy on July 28, 2015 — two days before his 79th birthday — while he was promoting his album Born...

Back Stories | My Hilarious 2009 Interview With Steel Panther’s Michael Starr

Way back in 2009, I interviewed Steel Panther frontman Michael Starr. Far as I know, I was the first Canadian journalist to talk to him. At that time, their...

Rewinding 2019 (So Far) | The Top 158 Albums

When you listen to as much music as I do — not to mention as many different genres — making best-of lists is a nightmare. I mean, how do...

Rewinding 2019 (So Far) | The Top DIY Discoveries

The DIY Discovery feature is one of my favourite components of Tinnitist. After sifting and sitting through so much mass-marketed major-label music over the decades, I really love getting...

Rewinding 2019 (So Far) | The Top Videos

I have said it before. I am saying it again: If there's one thing I've learned from running this site, it's that people love music videos. And here's the...

Rewinding June | The Best Oldies

Everything old is new again — eventually. Here are the best compilations and reissues that came out in June, listed in alphabetical order. Just click on the cover pictures...

Rewinding June | The Best Indies

Liverpool oddballs, Colombian spellcasters, paisley-rock dream merchants and more — there was no shortage of essential indie rock to hear in May. Here's the best of the bunch, listed...

Rewinding June | The Best Tributes

A great cover tune is always a joy to behold. An album full of them is even better. Here are the covers collections that came out June, listed in...

Rewinding June | The Best Roots

From Scandinavian rockabilly to country legends, it was a strong month for roots music. Here are June's top titles in alphabetical order — just click on the cover picture...

Rewinding June | The Best Loudness

You love it loud? Sure you do. And there was plenty to love in June. Here are the best of the bunch, listed in alphabetical order. Just click on...

Rewinding June | The Best Grooves

Sure, you want the funk. You need the funk. You gotta have the funk. But some rap, R&B, soul and dance-pop never hurt. Here are June's finest, freakiest and...

Rewinding June | The Best Rock

Blowhards and no-nothings keep saying rock is dead. Clearly, musicians aren't listening — every month, I get another batch of great rock albums. Here are the best that came out...

Back Stories | My 2011 Interview With Randy Newman

Back in 2011, I was lucky enough to chat with one of my favourite artists — and arguably one of the finest songwriters of his (or any) generation: The...

Rewinding May | The Best Pop & Rock

I was strolling through the park one day in the merry, merry month of May — when I was taken by surprise by the realization that it was already time...

Rewinding May | The Best Indie Rock & Underground

Liverpool oddballs, Colombian spellcasters, paisley-rock dream merchants and more — there was no shortage of essential indie rock to hear in May. Here's the best of the bunch, listed...

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