Home Read Classic Album Review: 54•40 | Heavy Mellow

Classic Album Review: 54•40 | Heavy Mellow

The B.C. rockers showcase both sides of their sound on this double-live recording.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


The contradictory title of this veteran B.C. outfit’s new album refers to the way this two-CD live set is divvied up.

There’s one disc for rockers such as She La, Ocean Pearl, Lies To Me and Assoholic, and another for ballads like — well, like acoustic versions of Ocean Pearl and She La, along with One Gun, One Day In Your Life and Miss You. Deciding which is better is a tough call. Heavy successfully captures the rootsy, loose-limbed swagger of the boys’ R.E.M.-meets-Crazy Horse vibe, although Mellow, with its intimate mood and relaxed pace, more clearly illustrates the strength of their songwriting and musicianship. The thing is, at 80 minutes, this all could have been on one CD. Then you wouldn’t have to choose.