Home Read Classic DVD Review: Neil Young | Greendale

Classic DVD Review: Neil Young | Greendale

Shakey turns his small-town concept album into an allegorical pseudo-musical.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


You’ve gotta respect Neil Young: He always follows his heart and his muse — even when they lead him wildly, horrifyingly astray.

And that is, I am sad to say, where they’ve taken him with the clumsy, amateurish and nearly unwatchable pseudo-musical Greendale. Shot by Young on video and a miniscule budget, starring a cast of friends and family lip-synching to songs from his most recent CD, and boasting some of the lowest production values since the days of Ed Wood, this folksy environmentalist allegory proves that Young’s powerful, uncompromising music doesn’t necessarily translate to film. And that Neil might want to think about ignoring his muse now and then.