Home Read Classic Album Review: Peshay | Miles From Home

Classic Album Review: Peshay | Miles From Home

The U.K. DJ pushes the envelope of drum ’n’ bass in two directions at once.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If you ask someone to describe drum ’n’ bass music, they might start talking about beatboxes and low-end synths.

And sadly, most of the time they’d be right. But some folks — such as U.K. DJ Peshay — know that D&B can incorporate much, much more. Like, say, thick slabs of standup bass and jazzy authentic (or at least incredibly authentic-sounding) drums. Or how about the occasional soulful diva? Or some robotic electro-grooves? Or futuristic blaxploitation funk? Or all of the above? Like his contemporary Roni Size, Peshay’s old-school cool and futuristic funk are pushing the envelope of drum ’n’ bass in both directions at once.