Home Read Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Free Enterprise Soundtrack

Classic Album Review: Various Artists | Free Enterprise Soundtrack

The Shatman’s latest hammy performance is the centrepiece to this soundtrack.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


This quirky little flick about two Hollywood wannabes who end up palling around with William Shatner came and went from theatres faster than a Pauly Shore double-bill.

The soundtrack, however, may have a longer shelf life. Not for its musical lineup; that’s the usual slate of rock retreads (Duran Duran’s Planet Earth, The Cult’s She Sells Sanctuary) and obscure newcomers (Bertine, Weed). No, the selling point here is the latest of Shatner’s increasingly loopy musical performances — a hip-hop tune called No Tears For Caesar over which ol’ Bill recites Shakespeare, raps (!?) and generally hams it up so much that he should be wearing a slice of pineapple hat. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend this your ears.