Home Read Classic Album Review: Great Big Sea | Turn

Classic Album Review: Great Big Sea | Turn

The Newfoundland folk-popsters sea their sails toward a more commercial sound.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Just call them the Great Big Barenaked Ladies.

On their fourth disc, Newfie folk-popsters GBS tilt their sails slightly toward a BNL-style mainstream sound, sweetening their traditional, Celtic-fuelled style with some summery, quirky ditties like the single Consequence Free. At times the two genres mix as well as a Black & Tan — those who like Consequence or the Brian Wilson-style pop harmonies of Feel It Turn may not dig the rest of the Irish Rovers-ish selections here (and vice versa). But at least the lads seem to be evolving as songwriters, making this album a Turn for the better.