Home Read Classic Album Review: Future Sound of London | Amorphous Androgynous: The Otherness

Classic Album Review: Future Sound of London | Amorphous Androgynous: The Otherness

The electronica boom went bust, but this U.K. outfit still refuse to surrender.


This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


For years after the Second World War, forgotten Japanese soldiers continued to patrol tiny Pacific islands, not realizing the fight was over — and they had lost.

Similarly, U.K. electronicists like Future Sound Of London keep cranking out acid-drenched fare like Amorphous Androgynous, apparently oblivious that the Great Electronica Boom of the ’90s was a bust and that now, even their name is an ironic gag. Guys, before someone gets hurt, put down the mouse and back away from the computer, OK?