Home Read Classic Album Review: David Cross | It’s Not Funny

Classic Album Review: David Cross | It’s Not Funny

The caustic comic distinguish himself as a fearless and outspoken provocateur.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Some standups possess a rapier wit; caustic comic David Cross, by comparison, brandishes a blowtorch.

And he fires it up again to incinerate every conservative sacred cow in sight on his second CD, the ironically titled It’s Not Funny. Taking aim at the trivial (bad music), the topical (Bush) and anything in between (bestiality), the brainiac firebrand continues to distinguish himself as one of the most fearless and outspoken comedic provocateurs since Bill Hicks. But be warned: If gags about George Dubya eating babies make you gag, Cross’s scorched-earth tactics may leave you cold.