Some Days Are Darker Examine A Dead Romance

The goth-rock outfit navigate the battlefiend of love lost in their new single.

Some Days Are Darker sift the ashes of their Dead Romance in their anthemic new goth lament — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

In the twilight realm of goth-rock, where melancholy reigns supreme, a flicker of transformation emerges from Windsor-bred and Phoenix-based post-punk enigma Some Days Are Darker. Their very name whispers of duality, suggesting that even in the deepest shadows, light may linger. Their latest single Dead Romance weaves this delicate balance into a tapestry of haunting beauty and introspective empowerment.

From its inception, Dead Romance was a vessel for catharsis, evolving over years as frontman Lear Mason navigated the emotional battlefield of love lost. The track’s moody aura captures the essence of moving through and on:

“Was it easy to love me?
We were free and our hearts were young
Was it easy to leave me?
After all I’ve done
Round and round in love we go
Where it stops no one know
The winding roads that our lives take
The deadly games that lovers play
Our lies become our crimes after all.”

Photo by Sydney Cisco.

Dead Romance began as a ballad,” Mason reveals. “I struggled with the lyrics, rewriting verses, adding lines, eliminating others. I think I was writing an apology I wasn’t ready to give, so it languished for years… a ghost in the shadows.”

The breakthrough came with the intervention of producer and drummer Robbie Williamson, who helped Mason reshape the song’s somber tone into something more driving and resonant with his current state of mind. “Relationships are chaotic, and blame is shared. We endure, we learn, we grow. And so, the song found its voice in being more of a celebration of perseverance than an apology.”

What emerged is a track steeped in the dramatic flair of goth-rock icons like Placebo and Depeche Mode yet pulsating with a fresh new voice. Bassist Chris Martin’s groove summons the forlorn to the dance floor, blending sorrow and strength in an irresistible call to embrace their darkness. Join them as they transform tales of misery and woe into a dance of acceptance and resilience.

Check out Dead Romance above, hear more from Some Days Are Darker below, and swoon over them on their website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.


Photo by Sydney Cisco.