Home Read Classic Album Review: Whistler | Whistler

Classic Album Review: Whistler | Whistler

This U.K. trio's dark-hearted singer makes Shirley Manson seem like Britney Spears.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Whistler vocalist Kerry Shaw would make a great movie villainess — she’s the kind of woman that can coo sweet nothings in your ear as she’s planting an ice pick between your shoulder blades.

At least, that’s the sense I get from the mesmerizing, menacing vocals she contributes to the debut disc from this U.K. trio. As guitarist Ian Dench and violist James Topham craft breezy folktronica, Shaw’s sharp wit, sharp tongue and haunting, haunted voice make Garbage’s Shirley Manson seem like Britney Spears. “Every time I wound your pride, are you going to fake a suicide?” she snipes. Hatred never sounded so sweet — just keep her away from that ice pick.