Home Read Classic Album Review: Velocette | Fourfold Remedy

Classic Album Review: Velocette | Fourfold Remedy

When you get down to it, style is the main substance of this U.K. trip-pop trio.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Maybe it’s pronounced velocity and maybe it’s not. In any case, the way this U.K. trip-pop trio spell the name makes perfect sense — they’re less concerned with power and more with style.

Style in the form of lush synthetic musical beddings for angelic vocalist Sarah Bleach to languidly stretch out upon; style in the form of Phil Spectorish Wall Of Sound backgrounds and Burt Bacharach-style arrangements; style in the form of of-the-moment Portishead grooves and shimmering melodies. When you get right down to it, style is the substance of Velocette. And while they may not have a lot to say, they sure know the right way to say it.