Home Read Classic DVD Review: Various Artists | The 1962 Newport Jazz Festival

Classic DVD Review: Various Artists | The 1962 Newport Jazz Festival

The lineup is a jazz lover's dream. Too bad the video qualitiy is a nightmare.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


This 40-year-old film shot at the famous East Coast jazz festival sounds like a music buff’s dream, thanks to footage of legendary lions like Count Basie, Oscar Peterson, Duke Ellington, Joe Williams and Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

Too bad it’s more like a video buff’s nightmare, thanks to a grainy transfer, poor synchronization and tons of jumpy edits. Don’t get me wrong — I’m glad somebody finally dug this out of their closet. I just wish they had spent a few bucks to track down the negative and restore it too.