Home Read Classic Album Review: Numbers | In My Mind All The Time

Classic Album Review: Numbers | In My Mind All The Time

The S.F. synth-pop band's tunes are as sugary & addictive as crack bubblegum.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Want proof that anyone can form a band? Just listen to Numbers.

This quirky San Francisco synth-pop trio sound like they learned to play their instruments last month, formed a band last week, wrote a bunch of songs last weekend and recorded their CD yesterday. But beneath all the crash-bash drums, one-finger Moog melodies, choppy guitar chords, amateurish female vocals and no-fi production, these kids have some things you can’t pick up so quickly: Talent and songwriting chops. Cunningly cutting across the borders of punk, pop, new wave, no wave and disco, Numbers’ deceptively simplistic tunes are as sugary and addictive as crack bubblegum. Sure, anyone can form a band — but making it sound as good as Numbers is easier said than done.