Home Read Classic Album Review: Peter Gabriel | Long Walk Home Soundtrack

Classic Album Review: Peter Gabriel | Long Walk Home Soundtrack

The art-rocker’s soundscape-filled soundtrack is a trip well worth taking at least once.

This came out in 2003 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


What is it with Peter Gabriel, anyway? First he makes us wait 10 years for one bloody album; now we get another less than six months later? Well, yes and no.

Long Walk Home, his soundtrack for the Australian indie film Rabbit-Proof Fence, actually predates last year’s Up by a few months, although — fittingly — it took a while to make it to these parts. In any case, fans will likely find it worth the wait. Moody, haunting and atmospheric, the hour-long score finds the inveterate musical traveller stylishly and seamlessly integrating Australian Aboriginal instruments, rhythms and sounds into his cutting-edge, synth-fuelled art-rock to create a collection of unique soundscapes that are far more intriguing and aggressive than the typical soundtrack fluff. Granted, there are no songs as such, which does make this journey feel a bit endless at times. But for sheer originality and craftsmanship alone, Long Walk Home is a trip well worth taking at least once.