This came out in 2003 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
California’s Jason Mraz is the latest rumpled troubadour to parlay a weekly gig at the local coffeehouse into a lighthearted debut CD full of endearing ballads and winking pop-rockers.
To his credit, though, on said CD — the unfortunately titled Waiting For My Rocket to Come — he’s more eclectic than your usual one-dimensional neo-folkie. Ballads like You And I Both have a Don McLean-ish intimacy, more upbeat cuts like I’ll Do Anything are flamboyant enough to not be out of place on a Hawksley Workman album, folk-hoppers like Curbside Prophet strike a nice balance between bassy beats and banjo; and mopey numbers like Who Needs Shelter come off like Coldplay with ukuleles. I don’t know if they’re enough to hurry along that rocket, but they might put him on the fast track.