Jackie K Freely Admits: Green Heals Me

The Saskatchewan singer-songwriter savors the great outdoors in her latest single.

Jackie K enjoys the restorative powers of the great outdoors with her sweet new serenade Green Heals Me — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Evoking the soothing bliss of a leisurely hike through the woods, Green Heals Me features folky guitar, jazzy piano and the Saskatchewan singer-songwriter’s understatedly beatific voice. Ironically, it’s actually the story of a hard morning after an overindulgent night.

Green Heals Me is really about feeling grateful for spring,” Jackie shares. “I just sat on my back deck on a hungover Saturday morning and wrote it down; I needed outside, and our winters are so long. Despite everything, I was just thankful.”

After hearing the song, some friends asked — wink, wink — if it was about another kind of green. “I did have several people ask me if it was a song about pot,” she muses. “I hadn’t been thinking that, but it would work! Green does heal in that capacity, too.”

While writing the song, the piano section was stumping her until her husband Tom suggested a very worthy influence and inspiration. “He said, ‘Try something like (Thelonious) Monk’ and so I did,” she reveals, adding that the piano she used was a 100-year-old Mason & Risch. “It’s gorgeous and has a big, warm sound — sounds a little kooky and outside. Perfect!”

Green Heals Me comes from Jackie’s four-song EP Look For The Little Things, which also plays host to Night At The Opry, a tune inspired by a field trip to Memphis and Nashville that Jackie took with her music students in early 2020. Dandelions Everywhere is another nature-infused, hope-infused track. Rounding out the release is In My Oasis, a high-energy song inspired by a teacup full of purple flowers.

Jackie K’s musical endeavours are mainly a family affair; her husband Tom Kroczynski is her bass player, her son Connor Newton is her sax player, and her other son Sean Davis Newton handles guitar and percussion, and also engineered, produced, and mastered the EP. The family band is rounded out by drummer Phil Rodda and Patrick Whelan on fiddle.

Check out Green Heals Me above, sample Look For The Little Things below, and find Jackie K at her website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.