When you spend a couple of hours every afternoon rooting through a couple of hundred songs, videos, covers and remixes, it’s always nice when there are more winners than losers. Like today. So I’ll get out of the way and get on with the show. Remember: There are a ton of keepers here that you won’t find anywhere else. Today’s biggest hitters (including all the songs in this section) are tagged with
. Nailed it:
1 | Maria Taylor | It’s Coming for You
2 | Radiohead | If You Say The Word
3 | Møtrik | Streamline
4 | B. Hamilton | 45 & Straight
5 | Nephila | Clavata
6 | Richard Ashcroft | This Thing Called Life
7 | Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard | You
8 | Youth Sector | Self Exile
9 | The Last Bandoleros | Maldita