Midweek Mixtape (Side 4) | 64 Songs That Won’t Steer You Wrong

Daniel David, Raquel Martins, Public Service Broadcasting, Jungle, Fences & more.

Some days I have the time and bandwidth to edit a bazillion press releases into blurbs. Some days I don’t. Today is one of those days I totally don’t. But there’s still a ton of great new music that you need to hear. So here it is — minus the blah-blah. Speaking of which, that’s enough chitter-chatter. Let’s get at ’er:


49 | Daniel David | Like Me Too

50 | Raquel Martins | Show Me

51 | Public Service Broadcasting | People, Let’s Dance (ft. Eera)

52 | Jungle | Talk About It

53 | David Numwami | Milky Way

54 | Fences | My Pale King

55 | Bizou | Disco

56 | Samantha Margret | The Party

57 | Sabrina Bellaouel | Arab Liquor

58 | Jorlov | Soul Giver

59 | CousteauX | Karen Don’t Be Sad

60 | Nazanin | Dangerous

61 | Jeff Beadle | Sometimes

62 | Sam Waldman | First Place

63 | Ernesto Cervini | Stuck Inside

64 | Tony Coe & John Horler | Piece for Poppy

Bonus Track: Deathlist | Tearing Up