Home Read Classic Album Review: Ladytron | 604

Classic Album Review: Ladytron | 604

Meet the chicest, bleakest and sleekest synth-pop troupe since the ’80s.

This came out in 2001 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Take the finest moments of electronic innovators like Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream and Devo, funnel ’em through the co-ed disco pop of Abba and the detached allure of The Human League, doll ’em down in black turtlenecks and barber-school haircuts, give ’em an East European accent, add some contemporary trip-hop production fourishes and black-box effects a la Add N to (X) and whaddaya got?

You’ve got Ladytron, that’s what — the chicest, bleakest and sleekest synth-pop troupe since Don’t You Want Me Baby and Tainted Love shared space on your stereo. Now they can again — they’ll fit in perfectly next to The Way That I Found You, Paco!, Commodore Rock, Playgirl, He Took Her to a Movie and nearly every other one of these 16 nuggets of frosty-cool funkiness. Liverpool’s Ladytron are ample proof that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Only better.