Home Read Submission Accomplished: Loïc | The Mellifluous Pluviophile Presents… Poetic Musings

Submission Accomplished: Loïc | The Mellifluous Pluviophile Presents… Poetic Musings

The singer-songwriter mellow gold & trippy textures recall Sea Change-era Beck.

Thanks to the inexplicable popularity of my Submit Music page, I always have a digital backlog of albums, EPs, singles and videos awaiting my perusal. Here’s another recent must-hear from Mallorcan singer-songwriter Loïc, whose mix of mellow-gold songcraft and gently swirly psychedelic textures reminds me a bit of Beck circa Sea Change. If you’ve got something I need to hear, send it my way. If I think you’re half as good as you think you are, I just might include you next time.


The Mellifluous Pluviophile Presents… Poetic Musings

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “Mallorca musician and composer Loïc (full name: Loïc Daniel Huber) recently released his third album The Mellifluous Pluviophile Presents…Poetic Musings.

Loïc is a bilingual, multi-instrumental composer who has U.S., Swiss, and French nationalities. He refers to himself as “just a young man who has recently discovered the capacity for indie music production, and all of my first projects really seem to be a consequence of the Covid madness that enshrouds the world.”

His previous two albums, Gift of Time and Grounded, are comparatively less layered and complex and he hopes that this most recent release will gain the traction he aims to find, as he find the songs on this album to contain more meat for the audience to dig into. He intends to continue producing as much as possible. “My best is certainly ahead of me,” he says whenever people ask him about his musical trajectory.”