John Tibbits Decries Trumped Up Fanaticism

The U.K. singer-songwriter issues a warning about the dangers of blind loyalty.

John Tibbits campaigns against the Trumped Up nature of contemporary politics in his hard-hitting new folk-rock single — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

The emerging U.K. singer-songwriter’s compelling new release delivers a pointed message about the dangers of populism and blind loyalty. The song, written from the perspective of a follower of a demagogue, highlights the alarming willingness to do whatever is necessary to achieve their leader’s aims, even at the cost of their own dignity and legality. The chorus resonates with a chilling resolve:

“You bet you can count on me
To do everything I need to
Sacrifice my dignity
Just tell me what I can do.”

The song captures the fear and concern of Tibbits, who is deeply troubled by the readiness of these followers to believe anything their leader says, no matter how outlandish, and to support them even to the point of breaking the law or threatening revolution. While the lyrics mock these followers to some extent, there is an underlying consciousness in the song that emphasizes the need to deradicalize these individuals and guide them towards a more rational and humane perspective before they can empower such demagogues again.

Originally intended for release closer to the November U.S. elections, Trumped Up has been brought forward to challenge the rise of hard-right movements in upcoming elections in the U.K. and France. The timely release seeks to make a bold statement in the current political climate.

Musically, Trumped Up is a departure from Tibbits’ typical folksinger-songwriter fare, showcasing a much heavier sound. The song features a characteristic acoustic chord sequence written in open tuning, blending various styles from Americana, rock, folk and metal. This genre-transcending approach highlights Tibbits’ versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of what the singer-songwriter genre can achieve.

Originally from South Birmingham, Tibbits hails from a family of musicians and started writing songs at age 14. Having spent the last five years at a white-collar job in London, his lyrics speak to the banalities of working life, as well as romance, political cynicism, and his passion for music itself. His unique sound blurs old and new together, with his music taking inspiration from the likes of Frank Turner, Enter Shikari and Radiohead. He blends folk blueprints with alternative music tones to create a unique and signature sound. Tibbits is an emerging artist known for his insightful lyrics and innovative musical arrangements, consistently pushing the boundaries of folk music with a fresh and provocative perspective. Trumped Up is the second of three singles that will be released ahead of the release of Tibbits’ debut album.

Listen to Trumped Up above, hear more from John Tibbits below, and follow him on Instgram and TikTok.