Sydney <3 Would Prefer To Be Anywhere But Here

The pop singer-songwriter opens up about her anxiety in her revealing new single.

Sydney <3 faces up to her social anxiety in confessional her new single Anywhere But Here — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

Certainly, the impulse to flee uncomfortable situations is a universal experience. However, for Toronto artist Sydney <3 and countless others, these episodes keep kicking in repeatedly without an apparent reason. This time, social anxiety has been an inspiration for the talented K-Pop artist, infusing her latest single with raw emotion. The song, already available in three different versions — Korean, English and bilingual — will surely resonate with listeners who suffer from this.

As the condition increased among teenagers, 16-year-old Sydney <3 aims to help others feel less alone in their struggles. She shares: “Anywhere But Here is important to me, because it’s a relatable topic.” The artist reflects her internal battles and worries throughout the song, resonating with the shared issues that many others face:

“Maybe tomorrow things will finally be better,
And maybe I can start putting myself back together.
Maybe I’ll wake up and not feel the pressure,
Maybe maybe never comes.”

Surprisingly, the hopelessness of the lyrics doesn’t come across that way thanks to the melody, which helps create a soothing atmosphere. Indeed, Sydney <3 states this isn’t something accidental: “I hope the song doesn’t make anyone feel sad or upset. I hope the song is relatable and helps people feel like they’re not alone with their feelings.” And further shares more details about her personality: “I want people to know that it’s okay to be awkward with others when you meet them for the first or 10th time. I know I am.” When the chorus unfolds, the artist even reflects some of anxiety’s physical manifestations:

“Take me anywhere but here,
I can’t catch my breath,
Heart is beating out my chest.”

To create Anywhere But Here, Sydney <3 collaborated with Adam H. (Super Junior, Girls Generation, BoA) and Don Wolf (White Wolf, Poison, Falco). “My favourite part of the creation process was learning how to create a storyline within the song,” she says. “I liked watching their creative process in coming up with the music to go with the lyrics.”

Sydney <3 has been immersed in the arts from a very young age, participating in ballet, hip-hop, and jazz dance lessons. Her debut single Picture Perfect, released in January, smashed through the digital sphere with over 50,000 streams across all major platforms. But that’s not all — the lyric video accompanying the track has captivated audiences, racking up an impressive 100,000 views.

Check out Anywhere But Here above and below, and follow Sydney <3 on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.