Jason Lyles Sets Out To Repair America’s Divided Life

The Tennessee singer-songwriter tries to bridge the widening gaps in our world.

Jason Lyles offers a message of hope and unity in his patriotic new single and video Divided Life — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

A poignant anthem about the challenge of holding on to hope in a viciously divided America, the Tennessee indie pop-rocker’s latest single is the fifth preview of his upcoming album Suspensions Of Disbelief, due this fall. Divided Life delves deep into the heart of contemporary America, reflecting on the stark contrasts in values, politics, and interests gripping the nation.

“This song is about the fractured state of America today, and how that looks and feels to young people who are growing up surrounded by negativity and extremism,” Lyles says. “It’s also a call to the rest of us to reflect on how we got to this point, and how we step back from it.”

Sonically, Divided Life embraces an Americana-infused sound. The song features violin virtuoso Stephanie Brooks, who adds depth and emotion to the composition. Gabe Lane elevates the track with a masterful lead guitar performance, including a solo that evokes the dichotomy of heartbreak and hopeful yearning that defines this moment in America.

The video, starring Lyles’ daughter Rosie, serves up a compelling visual narrative, depicting the struggles faced by young Americans amidst a landscape marked by division and discord. Shot and edited by Lyles with assistance from Joseph Tyler Green and David Relano, the clip offers a poignant reflection on the harsh realities confronting today’s youth.

Lyles is a critically acclaimed artist from Chattanooga, known for his compelling blend of storytelling, melodic prowess, and visionary lyricism. Inspired by everything from science fiction to the world around him, he crafts music that resonates on multiple levels. Divided Life follows successful singles including The Light, Deflated, The Light (Acoustic) and Salvage, each offering a unique glimpse into Lyles’ evolving sound. He performs throughout the Southeast and Midwest, both as a solo artist and with his band, Jason Lyles And The Legimitizers.

Watch the video for Divided Life above, hear more from Jason Lyles below, and join him on his website, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.