Thunder Pie | The Sound of the Universe Sighing After School: Vince Guaraldi’s Christmas...

It had to be one of two things: Either someone really knew what they were doing, or it was all dumb luck. Smart money’s on the latter, I’d say,...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | I’m Good, It’s OK

I can only think of three mainstream acts where none of the original members have done a solo album or been part of a significant, successful, long-running splinter group:...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | 1974

As a ’90s teenager in Pembroke, Ont., one of my favourite places to get T-shirts was the old hot-transfer concession in the mall. They had several big photo album-like...

Rewinding 2023 | Tinnitist’s Top 123 Albums (Part 5: Q-S)

The older I get, the harder it gets to put together a year-end list. Not because I'm becoming more musically discriminating in my dotage. Quite the opposite. Every year,...

Thunder Pie | Gridlock

Slappy sunlight coming down, collapsed trusses of 3pm light breaking in through the miasma, we would run down the valley, me and the kids, in the Honda at Christmastime....

Rewinding 2023 | Tinnitist’s Top Posts

Sometimes I spend hours (OK, minutes) labouring over a thoughtful review that nobody reads. Other times I dash off a couple of sentences, throw together a roundup, edit a...

Thunder Pie | Caught In The Attacks

The wildflowers we grew out back this summer died overnight. I pulled up this morning after I took Milla to school and I could see it had happened when...

Thunder Pie | At the Close of This Trembling Year

The year is winding down. Goodbye to all that. Raise a glass to yesterday. Raise another to tomorrow. We have persevered. We have survived. We have struggled and grown...

The Future of Sound: Exploring Cutting-Edge Music Plugins and Their Impact

The music industry has always been a hotbed of innovation, with new technologies continually shaping how we create, distribute, and experience music. Today, we're witnessing an exciting era where...

Rewinding 2023 | In Memoriam

“The goal isn’t to live forever,” Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk once said. “The goal is to create something that will.” These people certainly did. Here's a list of...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | Rockin’ Royalty

When it comes to rockin' royalty, the men way outnumber the women. Not only that, but many of the women are actually men. At first I was a little surprised,...

Thunder Pie | In The Streetlight Under The Monkey Ball Tree: Mini-Essays About Halloween

Fear As A Tonic For Madness Somewhere deep within some of us there are things we mustn’t speak of. Notions, perhaps we might call them. Others: they insist on fresher...

Rewinding 2023 | Serge Bielanko’s Top Posts

If you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of Serge Bielanko. On top of being an outstanding songwriter and musician, Serge is one helluva writer. If you...

Thunder Pie | Everybody Wants to Rule the World

“There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do I'll be right behind you So glad we've almost made it So sad...

Area Resident’s Stylus Counsel | Let’s Fight!

When I was a kid I saw an animated short about a violin duel with the devil. I was fascinated by this idea — having to beat the devil...

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