This came out in 2000 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
On this fourth album, German goth-metallurgists Darkseed sound like they’ve been sharing a coffin condo with Type O Negative.
Their music has a similar pummelling cadence and sludgy groove. Singer Stefan Hertrich even echoes Peter Steele’s bombastic, vampiric vocal style. But try as they might, Darkseed don’t quite descend to the same dangerous depths as Steele and co. They’re just a wee bit faster (some tracks actually resemble the midtempo metal of recent Metallica) and a shade more cutting-edge (along with frostings of keyboards, there are even a few dashes of electronica). Of course, with song titles like Hopelessness and Forever Darkness, these guys aren’t exactly Up With People. Still, next to the relentless gloom of their N.Y.C. peers, this is giddy. Just call them Type O Positive.