This came out in 2005 — or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):
Soon, you will be able to pick up the biopic Ray on DVD and watch Jamie Foxx earn his Oscar nomination — to be followed an eventual statuette, I predict — for channeling the sound, soul and spirit of the one and only Ray Charles with uncanny precision.
If you can’t wait that long — or want to whet your appetite — pick up O-Genio right now and spend some quality time with the real Brother Ray. Taped in black-and-white for a TV special in Brazil one day before his 33rd birthday in 1963, this recently unearthed treasure captures Ray at the height of his powers, leading his big band and The Raelettes though two sets of hits like What’d I Say, Hit the Road Jack and Take These Chains From My Heart. The first half of the set — a filmed rehearsal — is technically superior to the special itself. But a few glitches and bad tracking can’t diminish the magnetism of Charles (or powerhouse backup singer/mistress Margie Hendricks). Sure, Foxx is an uncanny mimic. But there ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby.