Home Read Classic Album Review: Linda Ronstadt | Hummin’ to Myself

Classic Album Review: Linda Ronstadt | Hummin’ to Myself

The dulcet-voiced singer gets back in touch with her jazzier side.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


You could accuse Linda Ronstadt of jumping on Rod Stewart’s bandwagon with this set of standards, except for one small fact: Ronstadt recorded a trilogy of Tin Pan Alley tunes way back in the ’80s.

On her appealing Verve debut Hummin’ to Myself, the dulcet-voiced Linda gets back in touch with her jazzier side, tenderly crooning a ballad-heavy set of cuts like Cry Me A River, Miss Otis Regrets and I’ll Be Seeing You, swellegantly backed by a crisp, bouncy little combo. On the one hand, there’s nothing here that could be called groundbreaking, or even remotely original. On the other hand, her voice suits these songs a lot better than Rod’s ever could.