Home Read Halcyon Phase Illuminate Critical Misunderstandings On The Precipice

Halcyon Phase Illuminate Critical Misunderstandings On The Precipice

The Ottawa duo’s superb second album blends timeless songcraft with topical lyrics.

Halcyon Phase look before their leap into Critical Misunderstandings On The Precipice with their reflective and potent new album — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

The sophomore studio release from the Ottawa duo of singer-songwriter Frank Smith (Sills & Smith) and producer, engineer and multi-instrumentalist Phillip Victor Bova (Bova Sound), Critical Misunderstandings On The Precipice is an impeccably crafted, deliberately paced work that blends and balances timeless pop-rock songcraft and sonics with timely meditations on contemporary life and love. Fusing the dreamy prog and psychedelia of latter-day Pink Floyd with the emotional gravitas of Leonard Cohen and the heartfelt melodicism of Neil Diamond — in addition to touches of jazz, folk, Celtic and more — these immaculate collaborations soothe and seduce you with their slow-burn grooves and lush instrumental layers.

The result: A subtle, subliminal setting that perfectly complements Smith’s darkly compelling vocals and pointed, penetrating words. Written by grownups for grownups, these 14 thoughtful and thought-provoking songs address the state of the world, human relationships, actions and inaction, at a particularly perilous moment in our history. These are love songs and breakup songs; treatises and melodies that speak to social injustices and inequities, climate change, artificial intelligence, struggles with mental illness and addiction. A thread lamenting the rapid passage of time and aging runs through the work. This collection of tunes also explores the role of the artist in society across mediums of creative expression, and the value and importance of pursuing art at all costs.

It’s not unfamiliar ground for veteran artists Smith and Bova, who have worked together and independently on a variety of projects. Critical Misunderstandings On The Precipice arrives four years after their acclaimed debut album Tendrils. It was primarily produced and recorded at Bova Sound in Ottawa, and features musical contributions from Gord Finley (drums), John Fraser Findlay (guitars, keyboards, vocals) and harmony vocalists Kellylee Evans, Shannon Ross, Tara Holloway, Jeremy Abboud and Michael Belanger. The album cover art features an original oil painting by Alan Marsden and design by Grace Smith.

Watch the video for AI World above, listen to Critical Misunderstandings On The Precipice below, and connect with Halcyon Phase on their website, Facebook and Twitter.