Home Read Classic Album Review: Chris Cornell | Euphoria Morning

Classic Album Review: Chris Cornell | Euphoria Morning

Soundgarden's big-lunged belter grows up gracefully on his solo debut.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Never mind growing old gracefully — in the teenage wasteland of rock, it’s tough enough to grow up gracefully.

But it seems former Soundgarden bellower Chris Cornell has found the secret: Baby steps. First he dropped his J.C. pose and Medusa locks. Then he stepped away from the grunge-metal kingpins at the height of their success. Now, as he leaps into the superunknown of solo stardom, he’s ditched his old band’s Led Zeppelin licks for laid-back guitars and piano balladry, dropped the angry metal for dark neo-psychedlia and augmented his leather-lunged holler with intimate crooning and even a bluesy falsetto. In Cornell’s world, a black hole sun rises on Euphoria Morning — but it’ll still wash away your pain.