Home Read Classic Album Review: Royal Grand Prix | High Performance

Classic Album Review: Royal Grand Prix | High Performance

The Vancouver speed demons have a goofball vibe and an auto-erotic fixation.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


If The Ramones had spent their youth reading Hot Rod instead of Fangoria, they could have ended up like Royal Grand Prix — a quartet of Vancouver speed demons with a goofball vibe and an auto-erotic fixation.

High Performance, their new disc, is a pedal-to-the-metal joyride of motor-metal mayhem (Well-Oiled Machine), dumb-dumb ditties (My Baby’s Got Scabies), pop-punk power (Let The Games Begin) and even ridiculous rap-metal (Squeegee Boy). Sure, sometimes it veers perilously close to self-parody, and you doubt they could pass a sobriety test. But somehow, they manage to keep it on the road.