Home Read Classic Album Review: Pedro the Lion | Achilles Heel

Classic Album Review: Pedro the Lion | Achilles Heel

David Bazan is clearly not your average born-again Christian singer-songwriter.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Murder, lust, greed, depression, self-mutilation, dismemberment by speeding train, alcohol abuse and a Holy Spirit who drops the F-bomb.

It goes without saying that Pedro the Lion’s David Bazan is not your average born-again Christian singer-songwriter. And thanks to his mumbly Stipe-ish drawl, knack for beautifully morose melodies and penchant for the sort of slow-burning intensity that recalls Red House Painters or American Music Club, Achilles Heel is far above your average Christian-rock disc. Bazan may not please the faithrul here — but he’s guaranteed to win some converts with his challenging lyrics and uncompromising vision.