Home Read Classic Album Review: Skunk Anansie | Post Orgasmic Chill

Classic Album Review: Skunk Anansie | Post Orgasmic Chill

The agit-prop rockers make a bid to change their stripes — with mixed results.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Leopards can’t change their spots. But Skunk Anansie seem eager to change their stripes.

On their third disc, chrome-domed shrieker Skin and her agit-prop power trio roam into new sonic territory, adding softer textures, commercial melodies and some subtle orchestral, electronica and ethno-rock shadings to their standard-issue political power-pummel. It’s a noble effort — but one that doesn’t always work. While flat-out rockers like On My Hotel TV pack all the punch of early faves like Selling Jesus, buzz-kill ballads like Tracy’s Flaw slowly fritter away the disc’s momentum until Chill ends up leaving you cold.