Home Read Albums Of The Week: The Southern River Band | D.I.Y

Albums Of The Week: The Southern River Band | D.I.Y

THE EDITED PRESS RELEASE: “Hailing from Western Australia and touted as one of the most exciting new bands to emerge in recent years, The Southern River Band officially arrive on the scene with their aptly named debut record D.I.Y.

Blending new tunes with their best singles from the past few years, the album has riffs, melodies and hooks for days — and in the wise words of Justin Hawkins of The Darkness, ‘This is a proper f*cking rock band.’

You’ll get no arguments here. Or there. “It has been insinuated by critics and fans alike that D.I.Y is the greatest rock ’n’ roll record of the last 20 years, and one thing is for certain: It’s definitely not the worst,” says Southern River Band’s Cal Kramer. So there.”