Home Read Classic Album Review: Buckethitch | Filthy Little Savages

Classic Album Review: Buckethitch | Filthy Little Savages

These freaky little monkeys make it clear they're way smarter thant they let on.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


A few minutes with Buckethitch are all you need to know they’re a bunch of freaky little monkeys.

Spend some quality time with their Filthy Little Savages CD, though, and you figure out the truth — these guys are way smarter than they let on. And way more talented. After all, there aren’t many bands who can handle lumpy funk, grindy punk, dinosaur metal, monstrous Southern boogie, neck-snapping hip-hop, finger-snapping jazz and skittery electro. There are fewer still who can handle them all in the course of a single three-minute song the way these guys do. And as they careen fearlessly and fearsomely from style to style without missing a beat or dropping a note, they toss in plenty of greasy guitar licks, rip-snortin’ vocals and loopy lyrics. Until Sam Kinison and Frank Zappa rise from the dead, join Clutch and teach them to play like King Crimson, I’ll stick with Buckethitch.

FILE UNDER: Playing dumb.