Home Read Classic Album Review: U.S. Roughnecks | Twenty Bucks & Two Black Eyes

Classic Album Review: U.S. Roughnecks | Twenty Bucks & Two Black Eyes

Fist-pumping punk anthems for tough times, hard knocks, street fights & more.


This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


That title should actually be Twenty Bucks, Two Black Eyes, Eight Tattooed Knuckles, One Lung-Busting Gravel-Throated Vocalist, Four Whoa-Ho Backup Singers, Two Searing Guitarists, Three Power Chords, One Galloping Rhythm Section and 14 Fist-Pumping Punk and Old-School Hardcore Anthems For Tough Times, Hard Knocks, Saturday Nights, Street Fights and Hating the Cops. Not to put too fine a point on it.