Sheena Legrand Salutes Heroes In The Making

The Winnipeg folksongwriter pays tribute to her father, & other real-life champions.

Sheena Legrand reminds us we are all Heroes In The Making on her latest single — showcasing today on Tinnitist.

After devoting her musical journey to process and express her own personal life and revelations, the Canadian contemporary songstress proves with her newest release that she can flawlessly push the boundaries of her own artistry. Heroes In The Making is an inspiring pop anthem that explores the innocence and resilience of becoming the champion of your own story.

Along with producer Bryan Livaudais, Legrand wanted to write a hero-themed song. After overcoming her initial hesitation, she decided she wanted to write a song inspired by classic contemporary artists like Mariah Carey and Enrique Iglesias — despite how cheesy she thought they could often be. “I hear these songs differently now since my dad passed away last year,” she explains. “Heroes In The Making is dedicated to him and all the souls out there who leave big shoes for their children to fill. Not because they were perfect or invincible, but because they set an example worth striving for.”

Serving as a heartfelt soundtrack to her relationship with her father, Legrand says Heroes In The Making is ultimately inspired by her father rising to the role of being a great dad and supporting his wife and children over the years. “Just as children play and use their imaginations, I think of a world where everyone seeking to grow into their highest calling can see themselves as the hero in their own story,” she says. “That this wild possibility brings out the best in each of us no matter the hardships we’ve lived through, and maybe even because of those hardships. That we somehow see the best in others, even when we’re lost or hurting. The more I live to hear the stories of others around me, the more my belief is strengthened.”

The track began after Legrand enrolled in a songwriting course where participants received monthly assignments and were instructed to collaborate with as many artists as possible. Soon her collaboration with Livaudais was born, and the songwriting that followed was nearly effortless. “It’s interesting that Bryan and I were never in the same room,” Legrand says. “We just emailed ideas and tracks back and forth and met over Zoom a couple times. I found it was a really easy co-write because he just seemed to get the concept right from the beginning. It was like he could read my mind, and everything just flowed. I think you can hear that in this track.”

Within the track, listeners will find a deeply emotional message supported by a reassuring contemporary pop musicality. As she balances delicacy and playfulness, strength and vulnerability, excitement and peace, Legrand’s musicality will undoubtedly move both the body and the mind.

Formerly known as Sheena Grobb — until the release of her previous single Green Light — Legrand is a Winnipeg multi-instrumentalist, indie-folk/pop songwriter, and West Canadian Music Awards nominee. She balances this with her work as a speaker who uses music, storytelling and mindfulness to help children deal with mental health struggles, bullying, or low self-esteem.

With her two recent singles, Legrand returns from a 10-year recording hiatus. She will soon release Back To Life, her first full-length album since 2014’s The Breakless Heart. “I’m excited to share the full concept of Back To Life, and how it relates to the classic hero’s journey,” shse says. “More to come!”

Check out Heroes In The Making above and below, and catch up with Sheena Legrand on her website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.