Home Read Classic Album Review: The Winnerys | And … The Winnerys

Classic Album Review: The Winnerys | And … The Winnerys

The Spanish retro-popsters share their British Invasion fixation.

This came out in 2004 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Normally, I’d slag a band like The Winnerys for having such a lame name — not to mention such a groan-inducing album title.

But I’m gonna cut these retro-popsters some linguistic slack on account of the fact they’re Spanish. Not that you could tell from the British Invasion fixation they reveal on their latest disc And … The Winnerys. The jingle-jangle guitars, bouncy beats, groovy handclaps and harmonized English vocals on these 16 cuts could have been cut and pasted straight from classic Beatles and Hollies sides. All of which is swell if you’re into that brand of nostalgia. Ultimately, though, The Winnerys need to update their act a little more if they want to make a name for themselves.